Find out what happened in the Ludbreg castle chapel in the 15th century and why Ludbreg is a unique sanctuary acknowledged by Pope Leon X.
Stand in the centre of the world and see the Earth's circles that are believed to have been delineated in the ancient times.
In Ludbreg you can learn how the island of Antipodes appeared from the open sea, hear the exciting legend of the beautiful Ludberga and her vineyards, discover the fifth element.
In this town of wonders and legends you will see the salty water spring which can be lit on fire, and drink wine from the town fountain.
There are many more stories hidden in this town, stories that will tickle your imagination and discover long forgotten history full of exciting legends.
Miracles are still possible in the Centre of the world! Come to Ludbreg and see for yourselves why this is a town so different from others.