Varaždin's passport („Varaždinski pašuš“)

Varaždin's passport („Varaždinski pašuš“)


When Varaždin's public notary Krunoslav Čolo started offering the Varaždin passport to the visitors of the Špancirfest festival on his stand, it soon became an attractive town souvenir that many eminent Croatian and European politicians who visited the festival brought back to their homes. However, Varaždin indeed issued passports in the past.

In September 1843 the City Government issued a passport with the following text (according to the „Varaždinski Viestnik“ newspaper, Nr. 38 from 1893):

„Pokazatelj ovog pašuša, iz mesta po milošći božji zdravoga i od vsakoga kužnoga natepenja, betega- najmre pako ishodne kolere- slobodno putuje. Zato vsi skupa i svaki poseb, kojem ov pašuš vu ruke dojde, dostojno se rekviruju, da rečenoga mirno vsikud iti, prebivati i nazaj se povernuti pustiju i po svojeh- na to postavleneh- dopuščaju. Pašuš pako ov, koji se daje samo na tri leta, poklamkam ga prečteju, naj ga predovcu nazaj povrneju.“ (*This passage could be translated into modern English like this: The owner of this passport, who is healthy of all illnesses, can travel freely. Therefore everyone who takes this passport into their hands, is to let the owner come, reside and leave a certain place. This passport is valid for three years and the one who checks it is to return it to its owner.“)

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