There is an iron pyramid- a beautiful belvedere at the top of the mountain, presenting you with a breathtaking view of the hills of Zagorje, the Sljeme, the Slovenian Alps and the Panonian basin, all the way to Hungary.
There is the „Josip Pasarić“ mountain retreat right under the peak, which is very well connected with all the roads leading to it.
At the altitude of 1060 m, Ivančica is the highest mountain in Croatia north of the river Sava. With its rich terrain, the shades of the thick forests and numerous paths it is perfect for hiking.
Its mineral resources, lead and zinc, have labeled it as a mainly mining area, and its numerous springs of crystal clear water and its unique beauty are the reason for great respect and caution so you don't disturb this perfect harmony.
Your visit to the roof of Zagorje should be rounded with the visit to the still existing mills and traditional craftsmen, the potters of the Bedenec village or the charcoal producers in the village of Ivanečka željeznica.